University of Strathclyde Digital Certificates

This page contains information about digital certificates and their respective issuing Certificate Authorities. It may be used to verify certificate information being offered by services.

If you note any discrepancies, either on this page, or with servers purporting to be related to the University but not covered by this information, or you have any other questions, then please let us know via

Local (Strathclyde) Certificate Authorities

Strathclyde Network Support Root CA 1

This root certificate has been used to issue local server certificates since January 2016.

It is the root certificate used to sign the eduroam 802.1X RADIUS server certificate.

Eduroam 802.1X certificates

From 10th Jan 2021, the following certificate is in use for 802.1X authentication via eduroam:

JISC Certificate Service Certificates - Sectigo

The JISC Certificate Service supplies TLS certificates via an arrangement with Sectigo via a GEANT framework. This agreement has been active since 13th November 2020.

Further information about the JISC Certificate Service is available at

The root and chaining (intermediate) certificates used for JCS certificates issued by Sectigo are available below.

Certificate chain:

AAA Certificate Services

This root certificate is used by Sectigo to sign the first intermediate certificate, and is signed by itself.

USERTrust RSA Certification Authority

This first intermediate certificate is used by Sectigo to sign the second intermediate certificate, and is itself signed by the root certificate.


This second intermediate certificate is used by Sectigo to sign the server certificate, and is itself signed by the first intermediate certificate.

JISC Certificate Service Certificates - QuoVadis (legacy)

The JISC Certificate Service supplies TLS certificates via an arrangement with TERENA working with QuoVadis. This agreement has been active since 12th May 2015 and issued its last certificates in Jan 2021.

Further information about the JISC Certificate Service is available at

The root and chaining (intermediate) certificates used for JCS certificates issued by QuoVadis are available below.

Further information about QuoVadis certificates is available at

QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3

This root certificate is used by QuoVadis to sign the intermediate certificates.

QuoVadis Global SSL ICA G3 (second version)

This intermediate certificate is used by QuoVadis to sign server certificates.

Note that there was an earlier version of this certificate with the same Subject Name, which was revoked January 2021.

Legacy JISC Certificate Service and other authorities information

Information on previous iterations of the JISC Certificate Service is now available here.